Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Huelva Continued


Barn Owl
 This was just hopeless, 600mm lens pitch black and hand holding
I thought I would post some of the other (Outtakes) Images from our Huelva trip that just don't make the mark for one thing or another, 
( No light, To close, Camera shake, Too far away)

Marsh Sandpiper   

This Marsh Sandpiper was about 300 meters away so just a record shot, along way away for such a small bird. 

                                                                 Black-shouldered Kite
One of my many boggy birds is Black shoulder Kite, I've found a few now over the years, but never really got that close or taken any good photos, with this photo the sun had almost set and there were plenty of dark clouds around ISO 1600 too noisy to do anything with. 

 Alpine Accentor
 Popped up in front me
but I managed to cut the legs off

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