Friday, January 10, 2025

Birding Costa blanca with a friend

With Dutch friend Jeanett 

I've known Jeanett for some years so when she contacted me for a day's birding I jumped at the chance. I've not caught up with her since Eider Duck in Santa Pola Harbour. 

Female Black Redstart

No plan but to just bird and see what's drops out of the sky to be honest it was what you would expect from all the usual suspects and a respectable total of 71 species seen for an extended morning's birding.


Not so many photographic opportunities. I'm a bit more selective in what I press the button on nowadays but couldn't resist pressing the button a few times.


For me, the high lights were just the sheer amount of chiff's, good numbers of Great white Egret a good selection of waders hi lights 3 Spotted red Shank. Several Blue throats, Water Pipit, Booted Eagle,

Great white Egret

So lovely mornings birding no mega's but we gave it our best effort and went everywhere started birding at 8 o'clock and 8 hours later I arrived back home.


Big thanks to Jeanett

Have fun go birding


Marsh Harrier

Cheers Bryan 


  1. Nice blog and shots Bryan, it was nice to meet you today. I have visited this blog before, so it was very nice to meet the person behind itπŸ‘πŸ» Best regards Kjetil

  2. Thank you. Stay in touch I might be able to help you to new desertions

  3. Thank you, that would be great if it’s no trouble for you. If you are on instagram its easier to send private messages on Instagram (And you can delete this message if you don’t want my instagram link here). I tried to find you on Instagram, but couldn’t find you. My instagram is
