Thursday, February 06, 2025

Santa Pola Salinas

       A quick run around our local patch today 

      So we set off today at about 8:00

First stop there were lots of Greater Flamingos, lesser Black-backed Gulls lots of black winged Stilts, Ruff, Great white Egret, the odd Marsh Harrier,

 Greater Flamingo

Great Crested Grebe, Cetti's Warblers were in good song,

El Pinnet.

About 150 Golden Plover, about a dozen Stone Curlew, and Grey Herons there were quite a few during the morning, things seemed to happening the once numerous Black Redstarts looked like they were thinning out and moving North, Cattle Egret, Little Egret with plumes, lots of little stuff Gold Finch, Serin, Greenfinch, Linnet all in song a sure sign things are moving, a few Tree Sparrow, at pallet Road, I've never understood why its called pallet road. 

Southern grey Shrike

 Several Kestrels, Southern grey Shrike, Zitting Cisticola, and 
Stone Chat's seem to be everywhere, the odd small group of Meadow Pipits, plenty of Chiffchaff. And 3 performing Hoopoe's



Palm Farm Road and on route to San Felipe 

More Marsh Harriers, Kestrels, a lovely male Black Redstart, at least 3 Booted Eagles, and Green Sandpiper's

Black Redstart

San Felipe

Waste of time it's more like a holiday park Camper Vans lots of people on electric bicycles a family or two and lots of children, having a picnic on the boardwalk under the canopy, people walking Dogs, what was there not much Red-knobbed Coot, European Snipe, Glossy Ibis, Purple Swamp Hen, Teal, Shoveler, Black-necked Grebe, Spoonbills,

Black-necked Grebe

The standout moment of the day was the Moustached Warbler, not just one but there were several singing from the reed bed on the route back and one bird showed well for a few seconds on and off, I must be getting slow with my big lens as I should have nailed it.


Clot de Galvany

Only went to old hide nothing on the water except little Grebe and Galdwall,

57 species for morning birding isn't bad,

I've not mentioned every bird seen 


With migration just around the corner, it is time to get out there

Having stretch

I did manage to get to the Guadalentin Valley last week on arrive, got an engine warning so i headed back before something major happened

Spanish Sparrow my only photo from the trip

Tonight's Moon

Have fun 

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